Evan is 23 months old and sooo spunky!!! He cracks me up and angers me everyday!!! He is on the move non-stop...ALL boy, ALL the time! He has the cutest laugh, the biggest, brightest smile, and has such a sense of humor so young. He loves to play with his big brother, Brady. He loves to "take care of" his baby brother, Maddox. He has so many new words, off the top of my head and some of my favorites are: "stawbehee" (strawberry), "sawdee" (sorry) - always accompanied by a hug, "choo" (bless you), "yesth" (yes, said very matter-of-factly), "boo" (blue, always pointing at the right color), "hep" (help), and we LOVE the way he says "hey" when he talks to Maddox...all high-pitched and old lady sounding : )....just like a little old grandma would!
With Spring coming to an end...and his 2nd birthday fast approaching...a lot of our activities for the year have wrapped up. We had our last story time with Miss Ne Ne this past Tuesday and we had our last music class last week. I am looking forward to some fun summer time activities with my spunky little guy.
He helped me wash the van last week before our trip to Georgia. He has his bathing suit and crocs on and took his job very seriously. He is a very determined little man...even when it comes to work.