
Saturday, May 14, 2011


My EvJ turned TWO today (5/12/11).  I can not believe it.  I clearly remember two years ago when I sat in the NICU rubbing your back while you were in the little plastic crib hooked up to all the monitors.  I sat there for hours trying to not pass out from exhaustion as I did not want to leave your side.  It did not seem right to leave your side.  Finally Daddy came back from taking Brady & MiMi & PopPop home and encouraged me to say good night to you and head back upstairs to sleep.  It is hard to believe that was only two years ago.   

You are such a BIG boy…BIG fun, BIG personality, BIG laughs, BIG love.  You fight fiercely and LOVE fiercely.  You are always running – and always falling down.  You always have a “boo boo” but are soooo tough!!  You are a joy to all of us….the perfect addition to our family.   

You have so many more words…your vocabulary is taking off!  There is not anything that you will not say or try to say : )  You are starting to use the potty.  Growing up so fast! 

In honor of turning two I thought I would decide my top two favorite Evan things (even though it is so hard to focus on just two): 

(1)   Your nurturing, maternal/paternal way….such a LOVER…you will grab my face and give me such a yummy, big kiss.

(2)   Your laugh…so sweet, so contagious…the best sound, the best medicine! 

Happy Birthday, Evan!  I love you!!!

Unsolicited LOVE!

Tuesday night you went to t-ball practice with Daddy and Brady.  You were having fun with Daddy as he was tickling you and playing while Brady was practicing with his team.  You were laughing with Daddy and you looked up at Daddy and, while laughing, said “Daddy, I love you!”  That is the BEST!  It is one thing to hear “I love you” after we say it to you.  It is quite another thing to hear it without first saying it.  Unsolicited love is the BEST!!!

Kindergarten is Kicking Off

I can’t believe it….we are here.  We are wrapping up 4K and getting ready for our future as a kindergartner and a family of a kindergartner.  A few weeks ago I registered Brady for kindergarten.  I had never set foot into Bluff Park Elementary before.  In fact when I went inside I had the realization that I have not stepped foot into a big school (not just a little preschool) since I was in school….WOW!!  As I walked through that big school and filled out all the information needed for my Brady Mac, I got sooo emotional…this is the start of my baby’s school career.   I got worried about so many things for him…mean kids, getting lost in that big building, using the big bathroom in the hall with strangers, figuring out how to get his lunch at the cafeteria, mean kids, getting abducted from the playground, mean kids……YIKES!!! I got emotionally, definitely teary.  I kept thinking: “If I am this teary just registering you in April…how on earth am I going to be in August when I actually drop you off here?”

Friday, May 6, 2011


I have started reading this little "My First Bible" stories kind of book with Evan and, of course, there are several stories - and pictures - of Jesus in it.  He has really gotten into this book as he grabs it and wants to look at it all the time saying: "Geejus", "Geejus" and reaching for it.  Last night after brushing his teeth, the book was sitting on the bathroom floor and, when walking by it, he looked down at it, waved, and said: "Night, night, Geejus" him!!! Too cute!!!


Tonight Evan pooped in the potty for the first time.  He was sooo cute when he got off of the potty he and Brady were dancing around celebrating naked and we all kept saying: "Evan, you did it.  You went poop in the potty!"  He started saying (for the first time in the CUTEST voice): "I did it!"  Soooo adorable...he was so proud and so darn cute!!!


A few weeks ago we were going to meet some friends at the playground.  Brady wanted to know which friends we would be meeting so I told him.  One of those friends is my friend from Mom's Club: "Miss Paige".  I told Brady this and he said: "Miss Paige? in a book?" (very seriously). 

Hazeling....the weather was getting really bad prior to the tornadoes that came through Alabama.  It was hailing and we were talking about it while driving in it.  Brady later repeated what he thought I was saying and it came out "hazeling".  I explained that I had said "hailing" not "hazeling".  He said "you can say hazeling too if you want."  Okay : )

Sunday, May 1, 2011


Tornado Alley....that is where I feel I live at the moment.  This past week was intense with storms throughout central Alabama.  More than 200 people lost their lives in Alabama.  Tuscaloosa was hit very much of it leveled.  There was so much devastation there that the University of Alabama has postponed graduation. 

In our neighborhood - right around the corner from our house...a 2 minute walk - there are huge, 100 year old (or older) trees completely uprooted like a giant plucked them out of the ground the way I could pluck a weed.  So many of these trees are on top of houses.  I have never actually seen devastation like this in person, only on television.  I drove down Park Avenue and a very small portion of Shades Crest Road (because it was blocked fully by very large trees going both directions) and just could not believe my eyes.  It was like watching television, not my neighborhood.  The sadness, relief, and joy I felt was insurmountable.  I felt very sad for those with homes damaged (moreso fearing injuries, or worse, loss of life).  I felt relief that this did not happen to us and all we had to worry about was power outage.  I felt joy that I just dropped off my fully intact 4 year old at preschool and my 23 month old and 11 week old were sitting right behind me, SAFELY, in our van.

A fear went through me like no other when I thought about just how CLOSE this is to my house, how many HUGE old trees I have in my yard, how my two oldest children sleep upstairs while Chris, Maddox and I are downstairs in the basement, and how Chris and I had NO IDEA that this was coming, heard nothing during those early morning hours, and were doing NOTHING to protect Evan and Brady sleeping upstairs.  I am certain the tornado went right over our house....thank GOD it didn't touch down on my sweet boys sleeping. 

The fear started dissipating as I thought about the simple yet heartfelt prayer I pray over my children every time I lay them down in their beds: "Lord, please protect Evan (Brady), please keep him healthy and safe....."   I quickly shifted from feeling frightened to feeling blessed.  Thank you, LORD, for protecting my boys.  Thank you for blessing my family and I.  Thank you for these reminders of what is really important and just how much I have to be thankful for.  Please, as I am blessed, help me to be a blessing to those in need at this time.  AMEN!!!!!