
Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Potty training already?!?!?

Sounds crazy but a part of me really hopes not! I am not is a good bit of work and effort for the mom parents, with the holiday season, all the winter clothes, etc. I just am not up to it right now.  Also my sweet boy is my last baby so I do not want him to grow up....ever!! I am still trying to figure out how to keep him little.  So how did this precious nugget:

Start pooping in the potty at 20 months old:
I guess he was ready!  At about 18-20 months old I decided to take the potty out for Brady and Evan so that they could become familiar with it, not be afraid of it, it be a part of their routine, etc. Then when it was time to really potty train the boys at just past 2 years old, they would be ready for it.  So with Maddox I decided it was time to pull the potty out in October since he will be two years old in February.  The first night, we sat him on it before his bath and nothing happened. The second and third night, he peed in it...WOOO HOOO!!! The fourth night he pooped in it!  WOW!! I could not believe it.  Now a month and half later, he has pooped several times in the potty, pees in it almost daily, and talks about it as well.  I guess I may consider potty training after the holidays, before he is even two years old.  I guess it is time to resign to the fact that he is really going to grow up : (

Tuesday, November 27, 2012


I am sooo happy!!! My big guy, Evan, is staying dry all night.  I have a child that is not sleeping in a diaper or a pull-up and is dry.  I am thrilled.  For the past 6 1/2 years I have put a diaper of some sort on every child I have.  Brady is one of those really hard sleepers, who according to my pediatrician we just have to wait it out.  Although he was day-time dry at two years and two months, he has not had a dry night EVER!  The fact that my Evan is dry and out of diapers at night, is awesome!!!  I finally have a child that I do not have to buy diapers for.....wooo hooo!!!!  We took him to pick out a toy and he chose a Thomas Take N Play set.  He is growing up!

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Weighty Words

There are times as a Mom that I wish my kids would just close their mouths....either it is just too much, too many words or what is coming out of their mouths that I can not handle....sometimes both. 

In the middle of all the "noise" there are little nuggets of sweetness that escape their lips that warm my soul like chicken noodle soup when I have a cold. 

This past Thursday I was given one such nugget....while laying in the chair and a half with Brady reading for school, he was laying against the back of the chair and I was laying next to him on the edge of the chair, he looked at me and said: "Mommy, I like laying like this with you."  I said: "You do, why bud?"  He said: "I feel cozy, you make me feel from the whole world, safe from strangers."  I said: "I do, bud?  That makes me very happy. I hope you always feel safe with Mommy because I love you so much and I would do anything for you to be safe."  It was very difficult to keep the tears from still my heart!