
Wednesday, July 1, 2009

More Notable Quotables

So last week I go for the dreaded postpartum check up with my OB/GYN...of course, I have both boys with completely oblivious, the other trying to distract and position well enough that he is somewhat oblivious. After we head out of the doctor's office toward the elevator, Brady looks at me and says "Mommy, you did a great job at the doctor's." So sweet!

This morning I help Brady untangle the string on his toy crane...he looks at me and, very seriously, says: "Mommy you are a super hero!" (In my mind...thanks bud, everyone needs to feel like a super hero sometimes)

1 comment:

ers said...

hope you all are so well.
you need to post a bunch of those new cute pics. i can not wait to see them.