At three years old, we feel Evan is ready for this experience. I truly think he will thrive. This has been hard for me for all the typical reasons but also because I have had less time with him I feel. Even though he is the same age as Brady was when he started preschool it went by much faster. With each added child my time has been much more divided, of course, so 3 years with Evan seemed much shorter than 3 years with Brady did. It is often hard to not feel guilty about this but - hard as I try - I can not slow time down.
We had so much fun doing all the back to school things with Evan for the first time. We took him shopping to pick out his lunch box for school. He grativated straight toward the Thomas lunch box. He was so excited to buy it that he held onto it throughout the store, after we purchased it he did not want to put it in the bag, and then when he got it home he would not let it leave his bedroom.
He seems so young, like such a little guy. Almost like he is not big enough to start preschool.
Standing in the hallway of his school on Meet the Teacher day
He had his "Meet the Teacher" on August 28th and was very excited to meet Ms. Kaylee after we read the note she mailed him in order to introduce herself.
On Tuesday, September 4th Evan had fun with his "first day of school" surprises - his new pajamas, backpack, and
the book "The Night before Preschool"
On Wed. Sept. 5, Evan was so excited to wake up to the school window decals and special plate to make his first day of school memorable
Evan on his first day of school - Hunter Street Baptist Church:
It was hard watching my "baby" walking into school for the very the first time.
He did great and seems to really enjoy "my school". When I picked him up from carpool on the first day he said "My preschool is awesome, Mommy." It is so much easier to take him some where knowing how much he likes it. Very thankful!
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