
Saturday, December 14, 2013

The Most Wonderful Time of the Year

One of my favorite parts of this Christmas season is taking the boys to the Live Nativity at Briarwood Presbyterian Church.  They do such a spectacular job with reenacting the story of Jesus' birth and life with more than 12 scenes of people and animals.  Every year I am amazed at how attentative my boys are of this depiction. It is a part of our Christmas tradition that absolutely warms my heart.  Their attention - and focus - on the real meaning of Christmas, even if for just a half hour or so, thrills me.
Last night when we walked through the early scenes, Evan looked at me and said "Mommy, I like Gabriel in the middle of the place like that."  A few scenes later I overhead Maddox saying to Evan: "Look Evan, there is Jesus."  Later on the second to the last scene, the crucifixion, Brady looked at me and said: "If I saw Jesus die like that I would pass out.  I would be so sad."

Warms this momma's soul.

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